Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vehicle Section:

Not pictured here I have found the DOUBLE BARRELED PLUNGER GUN ('89) (missing parts tire legs the rest of the pieces are in the turtle boxes)

Sewer Dragster ('90)
Turtle Party Wagon ('88)
Footski ('89)

Not pictured here: I have found the guns for the side of the Turtle Van (and top antennae), the torpedo for the Footski and

side guns for the Sewer Dragster

Not pictured here I have found the guns for the side of the Turtle Van and the torpedo for the Footski

Not pictured here I have found the guns for the side of the Turtle Van and the torpedo for the Footski


Technodrome ('88) (missing eye on top)
Not pictured here I have a black platform connecting the left dome to the middle section for walking back and forth